How to Make a Nomination

Please use the nomination form below. Each Member of MSEA may place a nomination. There is no limitation on the specified efforts and achievements that may be cited. Generalities should be avoided so the actual merits of the contribution may be weighed. Nominations must be submitted on the form that is on the web site. Nominations may be submitted by fax to (408) 551-6584, mailed to the MSEA office or e-mailed to

Nominations need to be received in the office by:

May 1st for EA of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and Booster of the Year.
November 1st for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Award Presentation
The Enrolled Agent of the Year Award, Booster of the Year Award, and Rookie of the Year Award, if bestowed, will be presented at the June meeting in San Jose. The Lifetime Achievement award, if bestowed, is presented at the December meeting in San Jose.

Award Nomination Form

    Award Category
    Please use the space provided to describe the reasons why you think the nominee should be considered for the award.